The multimedia literary journal at California State University Channel Islands
The Island Fox


Sabrina Shenker
Liaison, Technical Documentation Writer

Sabrina is the liaison and technical documentation writer for the Island Fox. She is an English major with an education emphasis and is working towards a technical writing certificate. She enjoyed reading the CI community’s submissions, documenting the creation of the new Island Fox Website, and working with the amazing Island Fox team this semester.

Koa Johnson
Solicitations Director

Koa Johnson is in his fourth year here at CI and is an English Major with an Emphasis in Creative Writing and a Minor in Psychology. He spends most of his time doing some kind of storytelling and hopes to eventually become a writer for Wizards of the Coast or any company that affiliates themselves with Dungeons and Dragons.

Marygrace Follero
Editorial Director

Marygrace Follero is an English major at CSUCI. Her main interests are studying other cultures, or topics related to LGBTQ+ identities and history. She hopes to apply everything she learned in CI for many years to come, as she works toward graduate school.

Charity Winiarski
Submissions Director

Charity Winiarski is is an English major with an emphasis in creative writing. After seven years in the Navy, she started writing a novel, changed majors, and enrolled at CI. She plans to graduate in Spring 2021 and enroll in the credential program in the fall. In her off time, she spends time reading and writing novels and runs the Ventura County Writers Salon.

Kylie Appleford
Marketing Director, Website Director

Kylie Appleford is an English Education major at CSUCI and will be graduating with her Bachelor’s in the Fall of 2021.  Following her Bachelor’s degree she will either be applying for the credential program at CSUCI or applying to Master’s programs at various schools. While she is not working as a server or doing her school work, she is most often reading or listening to her favorite musicians.

Minay Baltazar
Art Director, Website Director

Minay Baltazar is a senior at CSUCI with a major in Studio Art and a minor in Creative Writing. She is passionate about photography and poetry, and utilizes storytelling to explore questions about the human experience in hopes of inspiring others to become more understanding and compassionate. She is also studying to become a certified Spanish-English Healthcare Interpreter and Spanish Translator, and aspires to work while traveling the world after graduating. She was thrilled to have had the opportunity to work on this year’s publication of The Island Fox! Check out some of her personal work at

Dr. Kim Vose
Faculty Advisor

Dr. Kim Vose is the faculty advisor to The Island Fox. She has a B.A. in English from Pine Manor College, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in English and Creative Writing from SUNY – Binghamton University. As an undergraduate and graduate student, she worked on literary journals, and she is thrilled to continue that work at CSU Channel Islands. She is honored to have had the opportunity to work with such a dedicated, professional and persistent team this year.